Saturday, November 28, 2009


愤世嫉俗 有用吗?

Do not waste time thinking or talking about the shortcomings or wrong actions of plutocrats or trust magnates. Their organization of the world has made your opportunity; all you get really comes to you because of them.
Do not rage against, corrupt politicians; if it were not for politicians we should fall into anarchy, and your opportunity would be greatly lessened.
神花了很长时间﹐很有耐心地工作﹐才讓我们我们在工业和政府方面有这样的成绩, 而他仍在继续动工当中。
God has worked a long time and very patiently to bring us up to where we are in industry and government, and He is going right on with His work.
There is not the least doubt that He will do away with plutocrats, trust magnates, captains of industry, and politicians as soon as they can be spared; but in the meantime, behold they are all very good. Remember that they are all helping to arrange the lines of transmission along which your riches will come to you, and be grateful to them all. This will bring you into harmonious relations with the good in everything, and the good in everything will move toward you.

~The Science of Getting Rich
Chapter 7: Gratitude

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